Here are just a few of our business customers that we have enjoyed making both contemporary and chunky furniture for. We can work to any brief for your company or client to achieve your desired designs.
Virgin Management, London
Virgin Management’s existing desk frames were recycled and solid reclaimed timber tops were made by Chunky Monkey for the office interior at their landmark ‘Battleship Building’.
Google Head Office, London
Chunky Monkey tables and magazine racks for Staff Deli at the Google Head Office.
Lloyds Kitchen (Bistro and Wine Bar), Exeter
We were commissioned by the client to create reclaimed oak table tops for the restaurant with a rustic look but with durability and hygienic, easy-clean surfaces.
Leeds Trinity University
Chunky Monkey tables and benches installed in the Student Union Bar.
Nishkam School, Birmingham
Chunky Monkey tables and benches for the school dining hall.
Loveday's Restaurant,
St Austell
Chunky Monkey tables with added 'legs of steel' reflecting the Restaurant's link with the sea and the important heritage of The Charlestown Shipwreck & Heritage Centre